Horse Art by a HORSE artist!
Now here is some really interesting horse art for you to look at.
Click your way to this website!
and meet Buddy. Here is the opening paragraph of his website:
"Thanks for visiting the home on the web of "The Painting Pony." Buddy (the painting pony) appreciates the support from people like you who enjoy his artwork. He not only paints for himself, but also for the benefit of other horses who also share in his struggle with Equine Cushings Disease. A percentage of the sales of his paintings is donated to research on Equine Cushings to help better understand the disease."
I am sure Buddy appreciates every visit!
Tässä todella mielenkiintosta hevostaidetta katsottavaksi.
Klikkaa tätä linkkiä!
ja tutustu Buddyyn.
Kyseessä on hevosten Cushingsin tautia sairastava poni, jonka omistaja opetti maalaamaan tauluja. Osa taulujen tuotosta menee taudin tutkimiseen.
Buddy varmasti arvostaa jokaista käyntiä sivuillaan!
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